Mind The Gap

To a greater or lesser degree, most of us live in 'the gap'. In simple terms, this can be defined as the difference between the life you really want and the life you actually have at any given moment. We live in a society where material wealth is coveted and are encouraged to dream of having luxurious lifestyles, depicted for us in endless stories, movies and TV shows. We have been subtly influenced to associate consumption with happiness. We crave [...]

By |2017-05-19T10:24:20+00:00June 26th, 2015|Mindfulness, True Self, Change, Kindness|4 Comments

Can You Pay It Forward This Christmas?

Some years ago, I saw a movie called "Pay it Forward". At the time, the inspirational story prompted me to consider ways that I could be kinder, more helpful and generous towards people in general, as well as some specific friends and family members who were closer to me. Since we are approaching Christmas, which is a time of year when we tend to be more conscious of our relationships with others, it seemed like a good opportunity to bring it to [...]

By |2017-05-19T10:24:20+00:00December 22nd, 2014|Inspiration, Purpose, Change, Kindness|12 Comments
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